Curious? My New Site Explained!

Welcome, and thank you for visiting my revamped portfolio website!

Let me sum myself up this way: I am a woman of many passions, which is quite fitting considering my last name 😉

But in all seriousness…

I’m an award-winning documentary filmmaker, multimedia journalist, and academic. I’m also an aspiring novelist and currently querying my first kidlit books.

That’s why my website has 3 separate categories, so you can fully explore the breadth of my work.

If you’re ready to dive in, click through the navigation menu.

But if you’d prefer the cliff notes first, read on.

🎥 I am the director, primary cinematographer, and writer of the documentary film “A Struggle for Home: The Crimean Tatars.” To learn more about my film, including the multiple awards it won and how you can watch it, click on Film Work.

I’m also the founder of the documentary company Paschyn Productions, and I’m currently filming new projects.

📸 I am a multimedia journalist with extensive experience, having reported for news organizations across the globe. (There’s a reason why there’s a compass on my homepage!)

I’ve done everything from shooting and editing news packages for television networks, anchoring and presenting live shots, capturing photos, and writing in-depth reports and opinion pieces. I’ve covered a variety of pressing issues, from women’s rights to press freedom.

👩‍🏫 I’m also a journalism professor at Northwestern University in Qatar, where I teach classes on video and photojournalism and specialty topics, such as gender issues in the media and fashion journalism.

For more details about what I’ve reported on, head on over to the Journalism section.

✍🏼 Last but not least, I am an aspiring author with a strong love for captivating kidlit stories. Since 2017, I’ve been polishing my creative writing skills and even “won” NaNoWriMo twice.

Right now, I #amquerying multiple picture books and revising two YA novels. Want to know what they’re about? Check out Writing.

Other fun tidbits about myself:

🇺🇦 I am of Ukrainian descent, and the wreath above my name on the homepage is called a vinók, a traditional Ukrainian headdress for women. I spent my childhood attending Ukrainian Saturday School, playing the bandura, and folk dancing. I speak Ukrainian and much of my upcoming kidlit writing reflects my cultural heritage.

👩‍🎓 I earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in journalism and a master’s in Middle Eastern studies. I am currently studying for my MFA in film, and I plan to pursue documentary projects that combine my interests in media, Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and the Middle East.

I tweet about all this and more, so follow me @cpaschyn for my journalism takes and @cpaschyn_author for my creative writing journey. Stay tuned for some other updated social media pages soon, which you can find at the very top of my site.

I hope you enjoy my work!

– Christina Paschyn

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